The Bathroom Song

I miss commercials.  Not what's in them, just that they're there.  I need that 3 minute break.  Let's face it--at 32 weeks pregnant, I'm heading for the bathroom every fifteen minutes.  But even three minutes isn't enough.  It takes me that long to get out of the chair I'm in.  What I need is for everything I watch to have a good bathroom song. 

With all of these sappy Christmas movies we're watching, I've had to introduce my kids to the concept of the bathroom song.  I have my dad to thank for this--he's the one who coined the phrase.  It's the song nobody likes that you let run through while everyone gets up to use the bathroom.  Every musical has one too.  We recently watched Seven Brides for Seven Brothers--"When You're in Love" is the perfect bathroom song. 

Last week we watched The Muppet Christmas Carol.  "The Love is Gone" was the perfect bathroom song.  But just as I was getting ready to identify it, IT WAS GONE!  No!  Not the love--the SONG!  They cut the WHOLE SONG OUT!  Nick Googled it and found that they'd done that recently because people felt the song was too sad for kids.  Um, it's supposed to be?

Fiddler on the Roof:  "The Home I Love"
White Christmas:  "Choreography"
Scrooge:  "You"
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town:  "My World is Beginning Today"

They're NOT great songs.  They're not.  Sorry if you like them but I know no one that does. 

We watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (big controversy, I know!) and the girls wanted to know if "There's Always Tomorrow" was a bathroom song.  And then they questioned "Count Your Blessings" in White Christmas.  Are these bathroom songs?  With my dad being the ultimate authority, I told them they'd have to ask Grandpa.  He would know.  I'm inclined to say yes but for now, that's mostly out of necessity.  Until they bring back commercials anyway.


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