A BIG Baby

I had an ultrasound today...again.  This is the joy of being an old mom.  I get to have these lovely things every month.  They're telling me that this kiddo is already above the 90th percentile and at about 5lbs 11oz.  That's at 33 weeks.  Add another 3.5 pounds to that and that's more than a 9lb baby!  Yikes!

It has me more than a little worried.  I really don't want  c-section.  I know, they're practically routine.  But my genetic mutation that increases risks of blood clots weighs heavily on my mind.  I already can't breathe or sleep right.  He's only getting bigger.

Of course, there's nothing I can do about it but pass the time.  Still.  I'm much more nervous than I want to be.


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