Getting Coffee

It just might be the cutest thing she's ever said. 

I took the girls shopping at the mall this afternoon.  After a week of Christmas vacation we were all feeling a little cooped up.  My parents sent the girls shopping money as a gift which meant I didn't have to say "no" to every silly thing they wanted to buy, which is always nice.  I can be the best mom ever for a little while. 

We started with lunch.  It's never as much fun without Nick but we made the best of it.  To Macy's, their favorite store, after that.  No trip to the mall is complete without Starbucks, so that was next on our list.  I'm thrilled that they can make my favorite drinks in decaf and if they're not crazy busy, they're happy to accommodate my requests for blended chocolate milk with whip for the girls. 

After we ordered our drinks and knowing it would be a few minutes (and OK, I'm 33 weeks pregnant) we sat at one of the tables.  Bebo climbed up into one of the very high chairs and proudly proclaimed "I sure could go for a cappuccino".  I burst out laughing.  I have no idea which movie she got this from (and I'm sure it was one of her usual favorites or maybe an episode of Barbie:  Life in the Dream House).  But it reminded me of all the funny things the other two said when they were little (and even not so little) and I realized I just can't wait to see what the next one will be like.


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