Fall is coming!

Nick and I took the girls to Red Robin for dinner last night.  We had to drive about 45 minutes to get there but it was worth it.  Long gone are the days when we go once or twice a week.  It's been nearly a year since we've been.  As we left the restaurant, I was suddenly reminded of a looming crisis.  We were out of coffee.  I had used up the last of it that morning, having every intention of going to the store on my lunch break (what's a lunch break?).

Fortunately, the crisis was easily averted with a stop off at Shoprite on the way home.  Shoprite is currently my favorite grocery store--they have expectant mother parking.  Finding decent decaf is a challenge here so I often settle for mediocre.  But when it comes to coffee cream, there's really only one suitable option:  Coffee Mate.  Perusing the cream options I nearly picked up creme brulee.  But then, I saw it!  The delicious, aromatic, creamy Peppermint Mocha (cue angelic singing).  This was a sign!  A true sign that fall is coming!

As I sit in my living room this morning, the windows are open.  It's August and 53 degrees outside.  (It's 90 in Phoenix, but not yet 4am there.  Getting up to 105.)  If it's one thing I love about Pennsylvania, it's the weather.  It might get up to 81 today but right now, it might as well be October!  Fall is coming!  I'm ready to pull out my sweaters and boots!  Later today we'll be bar-be-queing in the back yard but for now, I'm going to snuggle up under a blanket, drink my peppermint mocha and enjoy the morning breeze.


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