Coffeehouse Mysteries

"Why are you reading that?"  Nick asks, looking at my book.
I frown.  His question is completely ridiculous.  "It's about coffee.  Why wouldn't I read it?"

Now, this isn't Howard Schultze and his building of the Starbucks empire, it's Cleo Coyle's Coffeehouse Mystery series.  THIS is my kind of book!  Not at all the dreaded Twilight series or that horrible Husband's Secret.  Don't get me wrong, it's not winning any literary prizes but it combines two of my great loves--coffee and reading.  GREAT!  Sign me up!  I'm working my way through the series via my library and am on book 8, I think:  Espresso Shot. 

The only troubling thing really is that the series's main character, Claire Cosi, seems to find her way into a disturbingly high number of murders.  She's the owner of a coffeehouse (a very famous one in the book--no idea if it's a real-life reference) and yet somehow murder seems to follow her around.  It's a bit like those Patricia Cornwell novels where the medical examiner keeps finding herself the target of a serial murderer.  She seriously needs to get a new job!  Claire isn't quite so unfortunate--she's not usually the target (though it happens more than once that she's in great peril).

In any case, it's the brain candy I like to indulge in every so often and I've definitely appreciated her tips on making the best coffee.  As fall descends upon me I have quite often found myself craving my own cup of joe while sitting outside reading this book.  In fact, I think I may just go do that!


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