I had a meeting with a donor this week and she mentioned how glad she was that her work from home husband finally got some office space away from the house. I mentioned this to my boss yesterday and he sympathized. His wife would hate it if he were home and underfoot all the time. I am amazed by this. These aren't unhappily married couples. I've seen both pairs together and they're quite happy. But every morning that Nick is home and I'm headed off to work, he practically begs me to call in sick. And trust me I'd REALLY love to! I love my job. I REALLY love my job. I work long hours and take it home at night and on weekends and that's just fine with me. I obsess over my work in the middle of the night--it's what keeps me up much more than worrying about, well, anything else really. It's a great job and I wouldn't trade it for any other (maybe a promotion or a raise would be nice but even without them, I'm perfectly happ...