The Writing Process

 The sun has set, but it's not quite evening.  I'm still in my workday and I still have work to do.  Today, my task is to write a heart wrenching letter, seeking support from the thousands of humans who support the work of Indraloka.  To inspire them to help continue this work of hope, healing, compassion, and joy.  Nick is away.  The children are home but (presumably) occupied with their own tasks.  

I sit down to write.




My desk is too messy.  I need a clear, distraction free work zone.  I tidy the desk and sit back down.

The white page stares back at me, a blinking curser it's only movement.

It's too quiet.  I put on the playlist I created that keeps me in a "fall" mood.  Carefully selected tracks of Bruce Hornsby, George Winston, Amber Run, Yanni, Hozier, and Shaboozy (ok, it's not fall--just a really FUN song!) fill my audible space.  I take a deep breath and dive into inspiration.

But it doesn't come.  Hmm.  What else do I need?  I'm thirsty!  Yes--a cup of fall-inspired coffee!  I pop on the Keurig and let the scent of bourbon walnut coffee fill the air.  And my fireplace!  I click the remote (yes, it's electric and not at all a fire but this is ambiance!) and flames jump to life. YES!  This is it!  I'm feeling the fall vibes!  I'm feeling the impending winter with it's high electrical costs and expensive hay.  The animals must be fed!  This is IT!  I sip my coffee and lay my hands on my delightfully purple keyboard and type...


Let's brainstorm.  I make a list.  Transformation, turkeys, Mongo, a little girl delighting in the kisses of a cow.  High grocery prices, scarcity of rain, astronomical vet bills.  I list and list.  I fight the intrusion of the Oxford Comma. There's inspiration in here somewhere!

Nope.  Nothing.

In a last ditch effort, I turn to YouTube.  I find a peaceful scene of a cozy fall cabin.  I click the play icon and stare at the magically uniform animated leaves as they fall, the raging fire that seems almost out of control.  The adorable sleeping dog with a cat between his paws.  Unlikely friends.  Peaceful scene.  Something is coming!





Heavy sign.  Inspiration will have to wait.  I'll try again tomorrow.


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