A New Obsession

Ike has taken a liking to my new job. He's absolutely OBSESSED with cows and pigs. I let him look at a photo of Duncan on my phone once and now that's all he wants to do whenever he sees me scrolling through my phone. He'll climb up on the couch next to me, force his way onto my lap and say "piggies?" If I say no, he responds with "Cows?" Because I must be looking at one or the other. Last week during the big snowstorm, Indraloka posted live videos of the cows in the snow. Ike would watch for HOURS if I let him. I was trying to get a few things done over the weekend so I was down in my office. He would NOT let me do anything on my own so finally, I relented, put on the videos and walked away. I got much more done in the kitchen.