
I love books. No big secret there. I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I would always pick the big books--the ones with 4-500 pages so I could dive in and stay a while. I've never been one to read a single book at a time. Even now, there are 8 or 9 on my "currently reading" shelf. I love real books--I love the smell and the feel. But I'm not one to pass up an audio version either. I have the Kindle, the iPod, the personal library, the library fines--all the signs of a book lover. I do not appologize for this. One of my most memorable birthdays was when I was nine or ten and my dad took me to B. Dalton and gave me free reign. Pick 10, he'd said. Ten! Ten new books! There were a few series I'd picked out--Sweet Valley Twins, The Babysitters Club, stuff like that. But the one I felt most excited about was the Tell Tale Heart and Other Writings by Edgar Allen Poe. I still have that book. It's a bit worse for wear, and missing the cover but still one I love. B. Dalton is gone now. The building is still there but it's a resturant or something like that now. With Halloween approaching, Poe seems to me to be the perfect writer to read (or re-read, as it were). I opened it up today for the first time in many years when Ivy mentioned that she was reading "The Raven" at school. What a great poem... I've always loved book stores. When Barnes and Noble opened it's first store in St. Louis (at least, I think it was...) my grandmother took me. I was 16 and spending the summer as my baby brother's nanny. Where I went, he went. So, I strapped him into the front carrier and the three of us drive to Ladue to explore this amazing thing that was the B&N Mega store. I spent hours browsing. It was the biggest display of new books I'd ever seen. I don't remember how many books I bought that day. It was more than one. I don't even remember which books I bought--except for one. Sacajawea by Anna Lee Waldo. I've never read that one--it's been more than 20 years but it still sits on my shelf. Today I decided, was the day. The day I open it and read page one. So here I am, with two books I've carred with me since childhood (or at least, adolescence), reading one for the millionth time and one for the very first. Poe will not disappoint. And Waldo, well, even if she does, I think I'll keep this one. It has memories of a different kind.


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