I hate running

I hate running. I do. I don't apologize for that. It is, however, my cardio of choice. Mostly because I can buy a treadmill and not have to think too much about it. I run 3 miles a day, 5 days a week. In my peak, I ran 3.5 miles a day But post baby 4 I feel good about where I am. I have a book on running for women. It's...interesting. It talks about slow runs. You know, the ones where you maybe run at a 10 minute mile or a bit faster. Um, what??? I run a 12 minute mile...and I'm struggling! I can barely make it! I feel like I'm sprinting for 40 minutes! What do you MEAN this is a "jog"???? Did I mention that I hate running? So, why do I do it? Why do I torture myself? I honestly don't know. I've tried buying elliptical machines and I can never find one that doesn't hurt my feet. I enjoy walking but it never feels like enough intensity to make a difference....