
In this new "normal" of working from home with four kids I am adjusting.  I still get up and run every morning.  I still get dressed in normal clothes (have never been the yoga pants type).  I still fix my hair and makeup.  I'm trying to keep all of my self care items in place.  But really, it's not just for self care.  It's for Zoom.

Yes Zoom.

Zoom meetings (or Microsoft Teams or Skype or whatever) are now a part of my every day and that means being presentable from the neck up. No problem.  Until you add a one-year-old and a traveling husband.

Nick is considered essential so he still goes to work which means he travels internationally.  Such travel means digging out our Korea days survival kit and connecting multiple times a day on Skype.  The Skype song is like Pavlov for Ike.  He hears it and immediately thinks "Dada!" and comes running.  I'd say he's right about 90% of the time. He cries and whines until I pick him up and he can talk to Dada too.  Super cute.

Until it's not Dada.

Now, he seems to have figured out that Mommy's video calls aren't always Dada.  Sometimes they're Mr. Paul.  Or Ms. Laura or Ms. Joy or Mr. Andrew or whomever else I might be talking too.  He has stopped caring that it's not Dada.  He wants to be involved!

If its one of my co-workers, they're good sports and humor him by saying hi and adoring his little wave.  And really, everyone else is too.  We're all in the same boat.

I was on a Zoom call with someone from Paris earlier this week and despite multiple baby gates between us, he heard the voice from the computer and was like "a meeting?  I'm IN!" and came running.  I'm thankful that everyone I work with is so understanding...and that I have a super cute son.


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