
I try to be nice to telemarketers.  It's hard calling people you don't know and asking them for something.  I've done it before--in fact, I do it all the time.  It's part of my job.  So, when someone calls me to ask me to donate or to sell me something or asks me to take a survey, I try to be nice.  It doesn't always work out well, but I try. 

I also love surveys.  I try to fill them out one there's one on a receipt or I'm asked to answer a few questions after visiting a website.  Political surveys are the same and I actually kind of like those.  So when I got one such call last week, I answered his questions.  I always imagine the people on the other end of the phone are surprised when I don't hang up.  My view is, it's their job.  They may not like it but it's their job.  But I also don't like being taken advantage of and I don't like it when my information is sold for marketing purposes.  So, when this gentleman called, I said I'd answer his questions but I had a few for him first.  Was he going to sell the information?  No.  Was it for marketing purposes?  No. Ok, then--fire away!

He asked about my political opinions, my family, my work status.  How I felt about health insurance and did I think a democrat in the White House would make my healthcare costs go down.  (I said no--also a no to the current president doing the same thing.  They can't get it together. Insurance cost isn't the problem.  It's the cost of health CARE that's nuts).  Anyway.

He asked about my children.  How many and how old.  Then, he asked me how often I take naps.


How often do you take naps?

I laughed.  I have 4 children--naps are a luxury.  He then wanted to know how long I felt a nap needed to be to be effective.  A solid 20 minutes and I'm good. 

"Do you think naps are a great way to catch up on sleep or do you think people who take naps are lazy?"

Another laugh--a great way to catch up on sleep.

"Do you think employers should encourage people to take naps when they need them?"

Now, that was tough.  I've been known to nap on my lunch break when I was pregnant or when I was working from home.  I'd never nap at my desk or in my car--I'm too afraid of not waking up and being caught.  But did I think my boss should encourage naps?  I decided to answer no but not because I didn't think naps were good.  More because I think I was afraid other people would take advantage of taking naps and I absolutely HATE it when people do that.  But the idea intrigues me.  I wonder...  if I was encouraged to nap at work, would I do it?  Maybe.  Maybe I would.


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