I'm not dying...

So, I went to my doctor to get a check up.  My OBGYN says I need to get annual mammograms now because I'm high risk.  OK.  Fine.  My GP says I need a whole host of other blood tests for people "my age".  I found it hard not to remind him that I was clearly younger than him.  At 41, I don't feel old.  In fact, I feel great.  But what do I know?

So I go to my doctor.  I tell him my family history.  I tell him my mom has metastatic breast cancer but that she's had it for six years and her scans look good.  I tell him my dad has high blood pressure but his heart is fine.  He has bad knees but that's more of a usage thing.  I tell him I have one copy of the factor 5 Lydon gene.

Uh oh. 

"Well, you're VERY high risk."

Ok, I know.

"Have you seen a hematologist?"

Yes.  He seemed confused as to why I was there.

"So, you're aware of the risks."


"Do you have chest pains?"


"Shortness of breath?"






"Hmmm.  Well, your blood work is back..."


"It's all normal."

Oh!  Great!  Cholesterol?


Liver enzymes?


Blood sugar?

"Looks good."

Ok great!

"But you're very high risk."

Well, gee, doc.  I might as well throw in the towel and start saving for my coffin now!  OK, I didn't say that but I was thinking it.  I'm healthy but he sees only the negative.  Is this how things are when you're "old"?


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