I am Fred Flintstone in a George Jetson world.

Going back to work after maternity leave has been harder than I expected.  There are a lot of things making it so that weren’t present the last time I did this.  Not that it’s bad…just different.  Nick is gone for two weeks at a time (and then home for 2).  In retrospect, I picked the worst possible week to go back to work full time after being home for seven.  Hard is the wrong word--an incredible understatement. 

It's impossible...but still I'm doing it.  I am Fred Flintstone surrounded by George Jetsons.

As Fred, I am running—no, sprinting—along in my self-powered car while the world around me flies about.  I am running as fast as I can which is faster than humanly possible.  I’m getting by.  I’m keeping pace.  But then, it starts to rain.  So, now, I’m running and I’m wet.  A semi pulls in front of me and I’m saturated with the spray coming from its tires.  I can’t slow down to let it get ahead of me or the car right on my heels will run me over.  But I can’t speed up and pass it either because my legs simply won’t go any faster.  Still, I’m managing.  Until George Jetson, the mean kid in a sports hover-car pulls up alongside me and starts throwing rocks at me.  I do my best to dodge them but sometimes one hits me square in the face and I’m stunned for a minute or two.  I need a minute to catch my breath. 

Sometimes, Barney is in the car with me.  When he’s there, we run together.  We keep up easier and I can relax a bit.  George backs off because Barney is a scary dude and no one wants to mess with him.  But Barney travels for work a lot, promoting the rocks we sell and that work is critical to the overall success of our operation.  He can’t stay in Bedrock to help me out or the whole operation goes to crap.

Barney is my best friend and he knows just how hard this all is.  He does his best to get home as soon as possible and he runs WAY faster than me.  But he can’t be here all the time to help.  He just can’t.  Most of the time, Fred is driving solo and George is the jerk who keeps rushing me along.  I miss Barney when he travels.  But I know his travels are what is ultimately keeping my man-powered car in as great a shape as it’s in. 

I know it will get better.  I just hope my legs can keep up until then.


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