I am Fred Flintstone in a George Jetson world.

Going back to work after maternity leave has been harder than I expected. There are a lot of things making it so that weren’t present the last time I did this. Not that it’s bad…just different. Nick is gone for two weeks at a time (and then home for 2). In retrospect, I picked the worst possible week to go back to work full time after being home for seven. Hard is the wrong word--an incredible understatement. It's impossible...but still I'm doing it. I am Fred Flintstone surrounded by George Jetsons. As Fred, I am running—no, sprinting—along in my self-powered car while the world around me flies about. I am running as fast as I can which is faster than humanly possible. I’m getting by. I’m keeping pace. But then, it starts to rain. So, now, I’m running and I’m wet. A semi pulls in front of me and I’m saturated with the spray coming from its tires. I can’t slow down to let it get ahead of me or t...