I am one of the strongest most amazing people alive.  I must be.  I can accomplish--in mere SECONDS--on of THE most difficult tasks known to mankind.

What is this task, you ask?

Is it curing cancer?  Preparing a gourmet meal?  Giving birth to quadruplets...naturally?

Oh no.  None of these trivial things compares to THIS most difficult, nay, nearly IMPOSSIBLE tasks!

What is it?  I'll tell you...

Changing the roll of toilet paper!

Yes, that's right--NO ONE in my house is capable except ME!  I'm the only one who can do it and therefore, I'm the only one that DOES! Now, I'll give my husband a pass because half the time, he's not in the same time zone as the rest of us and the other half, well, let's face it ladies, a lot of what happens in "there" doesn't require TP for guys.  Lucky them.  But what about these children?  What's their excuse?  It baffles me even more when I find a fresh roll (or worse, a halfway used one) sitting on the bathroom sink.  The dispenser is INCHES away but for whatever reason, it's just too hard to take the old roll off and put the new one on.

I've never understood this.  Now, I'm sure my parents will tell you that I was the exact same when I was young.  Maybe that's true.  If it is then there's hope for my girls that one day, they too will learn this challenging task.  Until then, I will press on...


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