Peeping David
David and Bathsheeba--what a scandal! I'm reading yet another Max Lucado book, Facing Your Giants . It's a detailed journey through David's life as runt of the litter, chosen by God, giant slayer, fugitive, king and yes, general sinner. Now, I love Max Lucado (big shock) but in this book he said something that really got to me. Hours later, I'm still annoyed. Here it is: We've gone through most of David's life, past the Goliath thing, past the running from Saul, past the death of his best friend. I feel like I really know David at this point. We're now up to his perhaps most famous temptation--Bathsheeba. She's another man's wife. So here Max is describing the scene, Bathsheeba taking a bath. that's really all we know about what she was doing . But David is enamored. Max describes what must have been a beautiful woman (at least in David's mind). A servant is summoned who tells David who she is--Uriah's wif...