Useless Information

Nick's head is full of what even he calls useless information.  He kills at the 2000's edition of Trivial Pursuit.  If one could make a solid living as a trivia expert, he'd be a billionaire.  Movies, pop culture, music, movie trailers, celebrity gossip--he's in the KNOW.  I was shocked when last week I saw the teaser for the live action Aladdin movie before he even knew it was out.  (We've now watched it a dozen times and Bebo calls it the "scary lion".)

He loves movie trailers.  He is forever making me watch them--sometimes I'm interested.  Many times not.  A while ago he told me that me asking him to watch a recipe video was like him asking me to watch a movie trailer... touche. 

Sometimes this useless information comes in handy.  Just this week we were talking about Iris and all of the instruments she's playing.  There was a movie I thought she might like but couldn't think of the name. 

"What's that movie with the kid--"


Yep, that was it.  I literally got no further and he KNEW what I was talking about.  We seriously need a way to monetize this.


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