My Way

I've been drinking Isagenix shakes.  I'm not sure yet if I really like them.  Sometimes I just can't stand the thought of another protein shake and sometimes, a pumpkin spice frappuccino sounds really good and I know I have a healthy version I can make with this magical powder.  I've lost a decent amount of weight and that's with putting in a modest effort because, let's face it, life is nuts.  Sometimes this helps me stay on track. 

It's one of those "make it work for you" things too.  It's a two shake a day plan but sometimes I need a season of one.  Sometimes the intermittent fasting days just don't work in my schedule. Sometimes I have more donor meetings in a week than I'd like to and I really need a recover week.  And then there's the daily nuts of being a working mom of 3 kids with a spouse that travels.  No, I don't have time to mix up a shake in the morning because I'm already late getting out the door when Isabelle says "I need to go potty".  Humph.

My solution has been to make the shakes the night before, have them in the fridge and ready to toss into my lunch bag with my baggie of snack veggies and hard boiled eggs (or whatever else I have on the menu).  Easy peasy!  And I don't feel guilty about eating any of it.  Now, the packaging says to drink within ten minutes and I'm sure there are some amino acids and protein lipids that will aid in my digestion and decrease inflammation in there somewhere.  But I don't have inflammation issues.  I have calorie intake issues.  And time issues.  These liquid meals help me solve my calorie and time issues...but only if I shake them up the night before. 

The way I see it, I have 2 choices:

1.  Do it my way and achieve my goals.
2.  Fail at doing it the recommended way, give up in frustration and keep all of my extra baby/moving/husband/stress/boredom weight.

I'm going with option one.  It's working for me.  I feel pretty good for a stressed out busy momma and most days, I'm pretty proud of myself, which is what it's all about anyway, right?


Yesterday in my Facebook support group someone asked about the timing of when to drink a shake and how do you manage this or that when your schedule doesn't allow and you don't have a blender and and and and...  I firmly believe that suggestions and advice should only be offered when requested.  No one likes to hear "you know, you really should..." especially when you don't know them or their circumstances.  Because a question was asked about how do YOU do xyz, I felt that sharing my solution might be helpful.

Someone disagreed.

I got a nice long rant about how by making my shakes the night before I was loosing all of this digestive aid and blah blah blah.  She ended her diatribe with a very glib "get up 5 minutes earlier".

Now, I'm sure she's right.  I probably am missing out on these wonderful digestive enzymes or whatever they are.  And I might have been willing to "hear" what she had to say if not for her uninformed, callous, self-righteous suggestion that all I had to do was pry my lazy butt out of bed earlier and do things the "right" way.

Nobody tells me to get up earlier.  Nobody.

Now, I'm not one of those people who go on Facebook and tell everyone what's on my mind and banter back and forth about political agendas and all of that.  I might hide you from my feed, remove your comment from my post or just keep scrolling.  I'm not interested in loosing friends over any of it.  But this person does not know me.  Does not know my life, my situation, my circumstances or how I manage my days.  But I bit my tongue...for a good 5 minutes.  I think it helped to keep me civil.  I politely said that 3:30 was early enough for me and that I was doing what worked.  She could have let it go, but this stranger decided that she knew more than me and needed to say it.  I got another wag of the finger for wasting my investment and that I should really do some research.

There is now a hole in my tongue.

If I learned nothing else from my father (and I learned lots) it was a good sarcastic remark of which I thought of dozens for this gal.  And there were some zingers!

But then I realized something.  This person had nothing better to do in their day than to tell a complete stranger how to live her life.  And I was better than that.  So I said that I was doing just fine and thanks for her concern.  And then I turned off notifications for the post.

I will not regret saying those things I didn't say.  I will not regret not putting stranger diet policewoman in her place.  I will not regret anything I posted on a public site.  I will continue to mix up my shake the night before and loose out on all of those digestive enzymes because in my world, I do it my way.

Because that's what works.


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