Law & Order

In the criminal justice system...

It's iconic.

It's familiar. 


And I miss it.  We cancelled our cable a few months ago.  I can no longer watch Law & Order every night on a variety of channels.  It's a little depressing.  Iris asked me this evening if I'd seen every episode.  I can honestly say I don't know.  Sure, I've seen a lot but all of them?  No, probably not.  Even the ones I have seen, I don't know.  I've seen a lot but even the ones I know I've seen, I can't always remember what happens in the end.

Sometimes I run across a movie that's really like a 2 hour Law & Order episode.  I can't wait to watch it.  What is it about this show that just captivates me?  I don't know.  I just know that I hope it keeps happening no matter how many times I see each episode of every version.  I.  Just.  Love.  It!


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