


Another year.  Another fresh start.  I really love New Year’s.  I love the purge.  I love the beginning.  What I don’t love is January.  


It’s awful.  Especially in Philadelphia.  It’s like a Phoenix April—not the worst month but rather, a painful, depressing reminder that things will get worse.  It’s cold.  Frigid in fact.  The temperature has dipped below 30 degrees and promises to remain there for at least a week, hovering occasionally in the 40s and then back down.  We did get one day of 60 but it was just a tease.  There’s more snow than I’d care for in the forecast and that’s just the next fifteen days.  And then, comes February.  The shortest long month in the calendar.

I’ve become a weather wimp.  The dessert and the west coast have made me soft.  I may have never acclimated to the Arizona heat but I have most definitely not acclimated to the depressing east coast winters.  They are horrid. 

I want to live in a place that’s perpetually fall.  Autumn—now, there’s a season!  Everyone looks forward to it.  Everyone—it brings cool, temperate weather.  Pretty landscapes and of course, the fall holidays.  I’ve lived in perpetual spring (San Diego).  But where is perpetual fall?  When that place shows up, I’ll be home. 


J. said…
Your Phoenix April is my San Antonio July. July, August, and September are miserably hot. The weather got up to 109 this week (yeah yeah, you have had worse).

I too love fall, baseball playoffs, college football, and hockey season, not to mention pumpkin everything. Sadly we don't get it until November.

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