I'm always optimistic about camping. I love the idea of disconnecting for the weekend. I love the thought of slowing down, enjoying nature, exploring the outdoors. Mostly I love the fire. The satisfaction of building it, of stoking it, bringing it to life and watching it consume log after log. Cooking over it is fun too. It makes me nostalgic for my days in the Girl Scouts. We camped a lot and I always loved the romance of it. Sleeping outside (sort of), foraging for wood (in addition to what we brought with us), being one with nature (ok, not really, but you get the idea). The girls love it too and for all of the same reasons (maybe not so much the fire or the being disconnected). We camped a few times in Phoenix and had many disasters, including Iris's first camping trip which ended maybe six hours after it started but that's for another post. It was harder there because you couldn't reserve a space and the drive to where t...