
As part of my EMBA, our cohort went on an international residency to Madrid and Munich.  It was such an adventure.  As part of my assignment and course requirements, I kept a journal.  Some of it is dreadfully boring but I did want to share a few snippets.  I hope you enjoy.

March 11, 2016
8:46 PM, Madrid

I’m certain I could never live in Spain.  At least not in Madrid.  I’m lying in bed, fighting to stay awake to adjust my body clock after a very long two days of travel and touring.  I’m not the only member of the team who opted to spend the evening alone but we are few.  I’m not one for late nights.  Always a morning person, I hope to be up tomorrow by 6am—and that’s sleeping in!
What threw me most today was the lateness to which people start an evening.  Restaurants aren’t open until 8pm.  Most of the group went to a bar and then out to dinner.  After these long days, I knew I wouldn’t last and would be looking for an excuse to leave and come back to the hotel.  I’d only be a downer for the rest of the group and would end up walking back to the hotel alone, which isn’t safe.  I opted for fast food—shameless for my first night in Europe.  There was a Burger King just a few blocks from the hotel.  I walked over and noticed a Starbucks very close by.  On my way back, burger and Coke in hand, I checked to see what time they opened.  8:30am!  This is not good. 

As I turn in and hope for a good night’s sleep, I’m missing home and my family.  Leaving on an adventure is easy, but going home will be too.


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