
I really love books.  It's actually kind of ridiculous.  I don't buy a lot of them (well, sometimes I do).  Other people give them as gifts but I get a lot from the library.  It's caused a bit of strife in my marriage because they're just...EVERYWHERE!  I generally read three or four at a time and try to finish at least two books a week.  But I have sort of strange requirements when it comes to books.  I like to have hard cover books for the treadmill.  It's easier to prop them open while I run.  I use binder clips and rubberbands to hold my pages.  I like to have a large paperback up in my room because I like to read while I'm drying my hair in the morning (it's a lot of hair).  A big enough paperback will hold itself open and I don't have to resort to a balancing act with my phone or the nearby candle.  I'm not above doing this but it has resulted in at least one broken candle and near misses with my phone in the toilet.  I listen to audio books in the car but in the smaller car, it has to be a book on CD.  In the van I can use one of those mp3 players that the library sometimes has or if I have an audio book on my phone, I can plug that into the car.  I carry six or seven books with me to work and then back home at the end of the day because I read on my lunch hour (when I take one) or if its a book on fundraising (I have lots of those), I might read it here and there during the work day.

I used to go to the library once a week when I lived in Kansas.  I'd check out as many as I could carry and my goal was always to return more than I checked out the next week.  It didn't always work...  Sometimes I go to the bookstore to browse, write down all of the books I'd buy if I had more money (and more shelving) then request them from the library.  I try to space the requests out so that I don't end up with all of them at once but everytime I go to pick up a requested book, I end up browsing a bit and find 10 more that I just HAVE to have.  I've gotten better about giving up on books that aren't interesting or entertaining.  Most recently I got almost to the end of Brad Thor's The Inner Circle and the mp3 player kept shutting off.  I finally decided that it wasn't interesting enough to keep messing with the thing and I have no idea how it ended.

There used to be a library between my old office and home, so frequently, I would stop by on my way to/from work and put things in the overnight drop or run in and pick up something I'd reserved.  My new office is close enough to a library to visit on a lunch break but it's not conveniently located along my route.  While it has resulted in fewer trips, I can't say that it's resulted in fewer books.  In an attempt to organize my book clutter, Nick bought me a new iPod, a Kindle and a subscription to Audible for Christmas a few years ago.  All it really did was feed the frenzy.  Now I can use my Kindle while I run and a lot of the classics that I don't have are in the free section so I'm working my way through The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, which I read in college but barely remember except that I really liked it.  But I like to save it for morning runs so I always have something that works on the treadmill.

I've taken all of my "fundraising" books and my EMBA books into my office to reduce the shelf space I require at home and just last week I decided to donate a book.  Still, it's a drop in the proverbial ocean.  But hey, I could collect something silly like old stamps or handbags or something useless.  I've decided this is something I like about me.  I know it's crazy to carry so many books with me all the time but reading is so much fun!  I'm going to do it as often as I can and continue to hide piles of books in my office, next to my bed and on my treadmill.  There's never one out of reach, so it doesn't matter where I am.  At any point in time, I can pick up whatever's nearby and dive right in.


El said…
My now-13-year-old struggles with school and I implore him to find a passion and immerse himself in it. One way he could do that is through voracious reading. Like you, I'm a reader. I always have been. Unlike you, I'm very much a one-book-at-a-time kind of consumer. I go through phases–I'll be really into fiction for awhile, then I'll read nothing but non-fiction for months. I used to think I much preferred the latter, but it really is a toss-up. My current obsession is a revisit to an old obsession... Star Trek books. Don't judge me.

Robin, I know you're very much a traditionalist. You like the tactility, the smell and the heft of paper books. But I'd love to get your reaction to a couple of months with a Kindle. The new Oasis or more affordable Paperwhite are virtual feathers compared to a real book–the adjustable typefaces are a boon to (my–not your... you're not aging, of course) aging eyes. And you can have literally thousands of books in a package smaller than an industry paperback. Think about that. I know you have already. Think about it again. Maybe buy one of those almost disposable cheap Kindles and give it a try. And if you do, make sure it's an e-ink Kindle–the "black & white" Oasis or Paperwhite–not a blue-light emitting color tablet.

I look forward to your review, which would make a great blog post.
Robin Olson said…
So, I have had my Kindle for more than a year now and I have found that it does have its place. It is the ONLY fool-proof book for the treadmill. Most of the hard cover books I read can be propped up and held open with binder clips and rubber bands but not without some (usually minimal) damage and only for the middle half of the book and only if the book isn't more than 350 pages or so. What I find horribly annoying is the difficulty in borrowing library books for my Kindle. I would do it more often if it weren't such a pain. It's an entirely different system and I can't reserve them for later. It's now or not at all. I like to stagger my library requests. I don't usually read more than 3 books a week and it takes some careful planning to get the due dates/renewal dates to coincide properly.

So, I do like the heft of the real book but my Kindle does serve it's purpose. What I find I really love is Audible. I can listen to books at twice the speed and feel super accomplished!

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