Deep enough to dream...Except for that buzzing noise!

I was in my car this morning, listening to a Chris Rice CD. The first song, Deep Enough to Dream, is a nice upbeat song. It’s a little abstract, but nice, just the same. It’s a song I know well.

“Deep enough to dream in brilliant colors I have never seen.
I join a million people for a wedding feast.
I reach out and touch the face of the one who made me.
And oh, the love I feel and oh, the peace.
Do I ever have to wake up?

Awakened by a familiar sound
A clumsy fly is buzzin’ ‘round
He bumps the screen and he tumbles down.
Gathers about his wits and pride,
He tries again for the hundredth time.
‘Cause freedom calls from the other side.
And I smile and nod and slowly drift away.”

Every time I hear this verse I have the same thought.

You jerk—get off your butt and let the poor fly out! Silly, I know. But that buzzing would be enough to keep me from nodding back off.


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