I'm trying to add a picture. Is this working? Whoo hoo! It worked. This is Nick and me at Disneyland about two years ago. I think it's the Alice In Wonderland ride or something.
I'm reading this book, the Husband's Secret . The jacket cover was so compelling! A woman finds a letter addressed to her from her husband that she is to read in the event of his death...but he's still alive! Somehow, this letter affects not only her, but two other women that she barely knows. Wow! What a premise! I have to read this! Um, no. Sadly, these characters are completely unsympathetic. I don't like the woman who's daughter was murdered 20 years before. I don't like the woman who's husband has left her because he's fallen in love with her cousin. I don't mind the woman who found the letter but I don't really care about her either. The only person I can identify with and feel defensive towards is the daughter-in-law. She's a career woman who has a wonderful opportunity that will move her and her family from Australia to New York. Her mother-in-law is angry because she's taking the grandson away. Sorry, l...
I didn’t become a vegetarian until a little over two years ago. I used to think it would be absolutely impossible for me to do—I’m in love with chicken! Can’t give that up. No way. Well, clearly, I did give it up (although so many non-vegetarians say things to me like “you eat chicken, right? Chicken’s a vegetable.” Um, no.). I often encounter someone that is unaware of my food lifestyle and after the initial shock wears off, they want to know if I miss meat. The answer is a resounding no. I hardly notice it at all. I won’t go into why I don’t eat meat (not now anyway). There are different types of vegetarians. I am what is known as a lacto-ovo vegetarian—I eat eggs and diary but nothing that used to crawl, swim, walk or fly. No chicken, no cow, no pig, no lamb, no fish. (Nick and I went to a restaurant today that basically wanted to know how you want your beef cooked, but did include two of what they called “Meatless sandwiches”. They included fried fish and baked fish....
I really love books. It's actually kind of ridiculous. I don't buy a lot of them (well, sometimes I do). Other people give them as gifts but I get a lot from the library. It's caused a bit of strife in my marriage because they're just...EVERYWHERE! I generally read three or four at a time and try to finish at least two books a week. But I have sort of strange requirements when it comes to books. I like to have hard cover books for the treadmill. It's easier to prop them open while I run. I use binder clips and rubberbands to hold my pages. I like to have a large paperback up in my room because I like to read while I'm drying my hair in the morning (it's a lot of hair). A big enough paperback will hold itself open and I don't have to resort to a balancing act with my phone or the nearby candle. I'm not above doing this but it has resulted in at least one broken candle and near misses with my phone in the toilet. ...