Selfcare vs. Superhero

So, which is it? Am I a Superhero or do I prioritize Self Care? Ugh. There's no good answer. I've been reading a book on leadership. The author talks about successful leaders who push and push and persevere and have late nights, and lots of coffee (I'm on board with this) and just get. it. done. But all of that, I contrast with the message of take care of yourself. Give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack. Don't prioritize work over family. So, which one do I do? How do I find the balance? Spoiler alert: I don't have the answer. One of my greatest personal challenges is a struggle with perfectionism. I often default to "anything less than perfection is failure". It's something I place on myself--not others. I make it a goal to run for 40 minutes every weekday. Yesterday I only got in 20. I just ran out of time. But... I should have gotten started earlier. I shouldn't have had that second cup ...