
Productivity is a luxury when you're quarantined with 4 children. I try to stay focused and efficient and, in reality, if you were to isolate the time I actually spend working (on my job, that is), I probably am pretty productive for the time I get to spend. Problem is, it's not focused time and it's not big chunks of time. It's frustrating to be sure, so when I got an email about a 15 minute productivity webinar (free!) I was all in! This could be great! I could get a tip or two that would help me. At the appointed time, I logged into the Zoom meeting and eagerly awaited. I was spending valuable nap time on this so I had high hopes. I was disappointed. Really disappointed. It started out promising, like most webinars. Separate what you spend your time on into four buckets: Important and urgent important, not urgent urgent, not important not urgent not important Big reveal--spend your time on buckets 1 and 2. U...