Accidental Hoarding

I'm guilty...I think. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean to do it. But I think I did it. This whole quarantine thing is uncharted territory. I'm still figuring out how to navigate it. I did the weekly shopping last week, trying to only buy what I normally would--salad fixings, lunches for the kids, cereal, chicken, milk--basics. I only went to Aldi, my usual grocery store. I don't normally buy coffee cream and whipped cream there but they had it and we were low, so I bought some. The lines were long to check out but it was an orderly process. Mission accomplished--we'd eat for another week. Then we went to Costco. No toilet paper, hand sanitizer or Lysol wipes. But they did have coffee and whipped cream--in 3 packs. So I bought one of each. Now I had four of everything. Is that wrong?? I mean, these items aren't in short supply and let's be honest, I use a LOT in a single week....