
Potty training has been fun! Except no. I'm trying to remember what it was like for Ivy and Iris and it's all a blur. I'm not ashamed to admit that daycare does most of the hard work and I'm so glad for that. Bebo resisted for a long time. Just not interested. We tried the going naked, putting on fancy panties and all of that. Nope. Not doing it. What did finally work? Bribery. Yep. I'm that mom. I bribe my kid to use the "frog potty". We started way back in February when candy was abundant, thank you St. Valentine. Easter rolled around and our supply was plentiful. I even stole from the other two just to keep from having to buy more (shhh!). But after the colored eggs and jelly beans were gone, I had to find a new currency. Thankfully, we always have mini marshmallows and they'll do just fine. Bonus--I'm not a huge fan so there's no danger of me whittling down the stash myself. So, now, ...