Leaning back on my board...
Since Iris was born, I have found myself often watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 . What a fun show! I would tell myself that if she could do it with eight, I could certainly handle two. Today, I watched the episode when they went to Park City, UT. They we skiing, ice skating and Jon went snowboarding. I've never been skiing or snowboarding. The closest I've ever come was riding the ski lift in the summertime at the Snowbowl in Flagstaff. It sure looks easy, but I'm told it isn't--at least not right away. Jon was describing how great it felt to be back on the snowboard. He felt younger and more alive. He said "You just lean back on the board and it's wherever God wants to take you." Wow. What a neat thing to say. What a wonderful feeling to just be able to do that--lean back and go wherever God wants to take you. It's no secret that I dispise living in Phoenix. It's just plain hot. And brown. Nevertheless, we're going through the process of buying...