Opening Night
I was jittery on opening night. This could be the moment to make or break us. How we did tonight would determine the success or failure of our plan to cure boredom. I didn’t expect to wipe it out in one night, but a disaster on our first night would mean we’d wasted our time. At least that’s what I thought. Crazy Angie was not so pessimistic. She was jubilantly sweeping the floor. “I think I’ve finally got this down, Robin. Take a look at all of my piles!” She was so proud, I hated to burst her bubble. “That’s great, Angie. Now, if you can sweep them together into one big pile, we can put them in the trash.” She frowned. “Why would I do that? If I got rid of the dirt, I’d have nothing to sweep up tomorrow.” She went on sweeping. I decided not to respond. I didn’t want to ruin her good mood. Nick seemed equally in good spirits. Why shouldn’t he be? It wasn’t his business on the line. “Stop worrying. We’ll be fine,” he said. “I hope so. I just keep thinking no one will come. I mean, we c...